woman with headaches

Your life is stressful enough as it is without the annoyance of a splitting headache. Headaches can make the simplest of tasks seem monumental. Most of us have experienced a headache from time to time and we know how uncomfortable a headache can be. It is hard to enjoy your day, and can your affect your personal and professional relationships.

Click here to view a patient of Dr. Bingham’s who came to see him with migraines.

What causes headaches?

Some headaches are caused by serious conditions, but a majority of them come from problems in the neck and back. They are called “cervicogenic.” “Cervico” means “neck” and “Genic” means, “comes from.”

These conditions can take many forms. They can feel like a band around the head, they can be pressure at the base of your skull, they can be over your eyes, they can be over your temples.  Headaches vary from person to person and an individualized treatment is important.

What can Chiropractic do for headaches?

The good news is that we know what causes many of these headaches and we are able to provide relief to  those who suffer from these conditions.

Chiropractic restores normal function to the spine. This allows the bone and the muscles of the neck to move in harmony. Only when there is proper function of the neck, will you experience relief from  the pain and discomfort.

Read our article on how chiropractic can help headaches

Spinal Decompression

Spinal decompression relieves tension in the head and neck by providing a computer monitored decompression therapy to the effected areas. For more information about our decompression therapy check out or decompression page.

For videos about headaches, Click Here.

What does the research say?

There have been numerous studies that demonstrate the positive effects that chiropractic has on headache, one example is the Duke Headache Study.  To read more about this study Click Here.

Poor posture can also contribute to headaches, to find out more about posture check out our Posture Page.